Making an Impact Boom,Boom,Boom! For the Kingdom of God!


“Praise ye the LORD. Sing unto the LORD a new song, and His praise in the congregation of the saints.”

Psalm 149:1

The Music Ministry

Music is one of the most dynamic instruments of worship and praise that GOD has given to His people. The making of instruments and hence the ability to create music is among the earliest recorded occupations demonstrated by mankind (Genesis 4:21). In fact, the longest Book in the entire Bible is a songbook, Psalms. Here and elsewhere in the Scriptures, we are repeatedly instructed to sing songs and give GOD praise.

The Music Ministry is the cheerleader of the Fellowship. They are charged to open and set the tone for worship. However, this ministry is not only responsible for leading songs, but it has oversight for all music performed in the Fellowship. Part of its service is education in what constitutes appropriate expressions of praise to the LORD and how these expressions are conveyed. The teaching expands into revelation of the nature and character of GOD and our conduct as His people.

There is also a very tactical component of the music ministry. That is warfare. The follower of CHRIST must understand that we are engaged in a serious spiritual battle (Ephesians 6:10-20). Amazingly, the singers are often the ones who lead the charge (2 Chronicles 20:21). Our Music Ministry is currently facilitated through the following areas:

 Intergenerational Choir

 Musicians

 Music Workshops

Deacon Mary Lassiter

Minister of Music