“And the LORD said unto the servant, GO out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.”
Luke 14:23
The Outreach Ministries
Loving Saints Christian Fellowship has been called into being by GOD to be an organized body of believers, having a distinct purpose. Outreach, is an integral part of this purpose and in fulfillment of it. The first responsibility is to those souls that the LORD has entrusted to our care. While we attend to those in the immediate Loving Saints Church family, our focus is not limited to internal concerns. We also expend vigorous effort and energy in seeking to reach out and impact our community, city, nation, and even the world.
In cooperation with our other church ministries, these endeavors are embraced, activities planned, launched, and orchestrated by our Outreach Ministry. This is done to insure continuous love for souls. Whatever the thrust, whether it is electronic social media or direct face to face evangelism, this ministry leads the way.
Home Missions:
Inner City Health Ministry; Intervarsity Christian Fellowship; USA; American Red Cross and other domestic Relief Efforts
Foreign Missions: Compassion International (we have supported 5 children over 20 years); International
relief efforts.
Targeted group events: women, men, youth, and other ministry forums.
Benevolence: Directing assistance for basic human needs.