Making an Impact Boom,Boom,Boom! For the Kingdom of God!


“I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my GOD, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.”

Psalm 84:10(a)

The Ushers Ministry

With ready smiles and cheerful countenance, ushers are more than greeters they are escorts into the presence of GOD. They offer the first impression of the church and what it means to enter the LORD’s house. The role of the usher is essential to the conduct of the worship service. Ushers must be gracious to all who attend, quick to help, eager to assist, sensitive to needs, and prompt and polite in guiding attendees to their seats.

Above all else, ushers must be alert. They must be aware of what is taking place throughout the worship service. This may mean being responsive to someone’s need for a bulletin, fan, or Bible. It could also entail helping with a medical emergency, attending to a disruption, or a pastoral directive. Most significantly, the usher must be attuned to the move of GOD’s HOLY SPIRIT and be prepared to assist gently, strategically, and unobtrusively with moving power of the Spirit.

As worshippers themselves, ushers must be able to integrate their personal worship with their responsibility to the congregation during worship service. As “Keepers of the door’ to the house of GOD, it is imperative that ushers maintain a personal relationship with JESUS CHRIST, study His Word, and obey His commandments. Only in oneness with JESUS CHRIST can one stand as a representative of His open arms, His great love, and sincere welcoming.

Deacon Joan Sykes

Minister of Ushers